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1,931 results found

  1. Tax Planning Tools: Strategies and Checklist
    There’s no getting around the fact that we must pay taxes throughout our lives. Implementing strategies to help control and manage those taxes is a critical component of your overall financial plan. By taking advantage of opportunities to reduce your taxable income and potentially maximize tax deductions, you can redir
  2. What changes can I expect inside the banking center?

    Our banking centers are open. Appointments are accepted and encouraged.

    • Masks: Consistent with CDC guidance, we ask those not fully vaccinated to please wear a facemask while in the banking center. Please note that we may ask for additional verification due to mask wearing.
    • Shields and dividers: You also may notice Plexiglass shields and dividers at teller windows and other areas where you may interact with our team members.

    Please visit our locator for the status and hours of a specific location.

  3. Treasury Management Information Center
    Contact us today! You can also get guides to the ONPointe Suite of products, as well as the latest treasury management news and resources.
  4. Top Business Trends Shaping A Post-COVID Environment
    Few would have predicted a year ago that 2020’s challenges would result in such dramatic changes. Global supply chains were interrupted, business and personal interactions shifted online, and remote work took off at an almost unimaginable scale. In response, business leaders are making their supply chains more flexible
  5. The Positive Impact of Telehealth on Senior Housing and Professional Services
    How Telehealth Has Impacted Senior Housing and Professional ServicesAuthors:Source: First MidwestDRAFT: How Telehealth Has Impacted Senior Housing and Professional ServicesAuthors:Source: First MidwestHed: How Telehealth Has Impacted Senior Housing and Professional ServicesHed: Our Virtual World: The Impact of Teleheal
  6. 5 Growth Opportunities for Businesses to Thrive in a Post-COVID-19 World
    COVID-19 may be waning thanks to our vigilant medical and research communities, but the world has changed irrevocably. Many organizations have undergone a digital transformation faster than ever before, and the pandemic was the major catalyst. Now, more than a year later, everyone is starting to settle in and adjust to
  7. How to seamlessly blend freelancers, contractors, and consultants into your company culture and workflow
    Amid the business world's transition to remote work, tapping flexible workers — such as contractors, freelancers, and consultants — can be more valuable than ever. But managing the legal, logistical, and cultural implications of such hires can be a challenge with a blended and diffuse workforce. Business Insider spoke
  8. Why Health And Safety Are Now The Top Risks For Directors And Officers
    Health and safety rose to the top risks for 2024 in the eyes of corporate directors and officers around the world, up from the number five ranking
  9. Technology, Diversity, And A Global Mindset: Here’s What’s In Store For Remote Hiring In 2021
    The pandemic threw traditional hiring models into disarray, with overnight work-from-home policies forcing the processes online for countless organizations across the globe. With no option but to adapt, many companies have discovered the numerous benefits of remote hiring, and are now looking to build out their strateg
  10. How Is Productivity Calculated?
    Productivity measures the efficiency of a company's production process. It is calculated by dividing the outputs produced by a company by the inputs used in its production process. Common inputs are labor hours, capital and natural resources, while outputs are generally measured in sales or the amount of goods and serv